Buy or Borrow: Just Read

Buy or borrow? It doesn’t matter. Please READ the book of your choice, now! To borrow, ask for them at your public library. To learn more about the books, please click on the titles. Thank you and welcome aboard. 🙂

Published in 2009; still extremely relevant today!

Published in 2009; still extremely relevant today! 128 pages plus two addendums.

Education’s Missing Ingredient: What Parents Can Tell Educators


The Crucial Voice of the People, Past and Present

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Published in 2012, 172 pages plus three addendums.The Crucial Voice of the People, Past and Present: Education’s Missing Ingredient, 2nd edition

Buy Education’s Missing Ingredient on Amazon.

Purchase The Crucial Voice on Amazon ( Kindle Version), Barnes & Noble, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, or call 1-800-462-6420. Also see the publishers list of e-book vendors …and many more places.

Book clubs may inquire at Rowman & Littlefield for special pricing. Professors should also visit Teaching Teachers.

Please contact me, the author, if I can assist you in any way. Thank you for caring about our schools enough to read about how we can all work together to continuously improve education. Thank you again and good luck!

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