“The cry has risen to ‘fix our public schools.’ Repeatedly, it has fallen upon the ears of those without the ability to listen…” THAT is certainly the truth.
So consider this, to successfully serve the public, public schools need public input. They have to hear from parents, teachers, and students. It’s crucial.
In Education’s Missing Ingredient, Victoria Young’s “research and observations are excellent and remind us that public schools should be open to both the needs and ideas of those for whom they were created to serve.”
Dr. Jack D. Minzey, Professor and Department Head Emeritus, Eastern Michigan University
Education’s Missing Ingredient : What Parents Can Tell Educators will help you improve your schools.

Published in 2009; still relevant and useful today! Available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and through the publisher. ASK at your library!
- Education’s Missing Ingredient is a quick, easy-to-read book that demystifies the struggles of parents, teachers, and students in schools that need our support. It will focus your goals.
- The book clarifies the battles you will encounter as an education advocate. This enables you to better maneuver through the pitfalls of school reform.
- It provides proven school improvement methods that will put more learning opportunities into your classrooms and control of education back in the hands of teachers, parents, and communities.
- Education’s Missing Ingredient takes you beyond the empty political promises of education reform and shows you how to bring commonsense reforms into your schools.
As every mother, father, and grandparent will tell you…”a good education is important.” Don’t wait any longer for someone else to improve your schools. Be the catalyst!
Buy or Borrow the book now!