Tools for Change


Citizens Need to Come Together, Work Together, and Stay Together in order to Be The Change Our Children Need!

Summaries of articles, “tool kits” and “one-pagers” – some mine – some borrowed – are provided for your use.

The truth is the biggest stick real education reformers can carry. Educate yourself and others. Be part of the solution.

Please let me know ([email protected]) what topics you would like to hear more about and I would be glad to dig up articles and summarize them.


Form the Group is a one page summary of work by Dr. John Jensen.

Real education reform is a major social change. It requires that we Demystify Social Change to make it easier for people to become successful activists.

Communications and Cooperation – For All

Understand how Effective Communication is essential to accomplishing goals.

9 Tools of Civility – a one-pager and good step towards ending the education wars.

A Transpartisan Alliance one-pager including tools for collaborative action and engagement processes.

Forming the partnerships that too many only talk about takes organizing.

Local School Advocacy : What can we do?

Begin by understanding that education can produce change. Strive to understand THE CHANGE PROCESS and the relationship of School Culture and Change.

Plan for success like the Mom Congress has done. I may not like their political agenda but I admire their strategy.

This document contains Excerpts from A Guide for the Powerless by Samuel Halperin including what politicians think of educators (in their own words). He thinks “forewarned is forearmed.”

Understand federal education law before it is changed without our consent (too late but we can always repeal the new law and there will be a next time).

ESEA and Opportunity in America

Comparison of the 1965 ESEA to 2001 No Child Left Behind

ESEA and Using Policy to Promote Practices

The Three R’s of ESEA Reauthorization

Why do we need to act?

We deserve to know how our public education system is being privatized in order to choose whether or not it is the path we wish education reform to take. Hidden Privatisation is part of what some have termed the Quiet Revolution.

Why Change?

Consider This & Share

3 thoughts on “Tools for Change

  1. Pingback: An Instrument of Reform: Communications | The Crucial Voice of the People

  2. Pingback: POWER | The Crucial Voice of the People

  3. Pingback: I CARE | The Crucial Voice of the PeopleThe Crucial Voice of the People

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