The Changing Focus of ESEA

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) – Changing Focus of ESEA

Screen Shot 2015-01-14 at 3.52.56 PMThe Original Focus Areas of ESEA 1965:

► teacher and counselor development,

► instructional materials,

► support programs resources,

► parental & community involvement promotion.

The Focus Areas of ESEA 1994:

►high standards for all students,

►teachers better trained to teach to high standards,

►flexibility to stimulate local initiative coupled with responsibility for results,

►promoting partnerships among families, communities and schools.

The Focus Areas of ESEA 2001 called “No Child Left Behind”:

►stronger accountability for results,

►more freedom (flexibility) for states and communities (in how they spend funds),

►proven education methods,

►more choice for parents.

The Focus Areas of the Obama Blueprint suggested changes:

►improving teacher and principal effectiveness,

►providing information to families and educators,

►college-and career-ready standards and assessments,

►address lowest-performing schools by providing support and effective interventions.

Screen Shot 2015-01-21 at 1.34.33 PM Please Consider that the aim of the law has changed drastically and these Focus Areas for the Re-Write of NCLB/ESEA (reauthorization) might serve us better:

  • improve education for teachers, counselors, parents, and principals,
  • provide better information to families, educators, and communities to build successful partnerships,
  • provide flexibility to stimulate local initiatives coupled with responsibility for results,
  • support and facilitate school improvement processes for our schools and states where learning opportunities have been lacking,
  • continue material and resource support to the economically disadvantaged children.


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